
Over the years, Pianist Richard has performed in numerous shows at the Jewish Community Center, Ahavath Achim Synagogue, Congregation Or Ve Shalom, and for Hadassah, ORT, and for other organizations and private companies.
He is well known to Atlanta audiences and often performs at parties and other private functions, where he often leads sing-a-longs as well as playing background music. In 1986 he was honored to perform at a function at which Vice President George Bush and Barbara Bush were present. In 2012, he performed at the Georgia Governor’s Mansion. Richard’s extensive experience and style lend itself a spot-on choice for someone searching for a well-rounded pianist for the rehearsal dinner, awards banquet, or a client appreciation special event.
This skillful professional will bring sophisticated panache to your event. When not working or playing the piano, he enjoys reading, traveling, gardening, and playing bridge. Unlike many pianists, Richard enjoys sing-a-longs with his audiences in small intimate settings! So, get your songbooks out and invite one of the best over to perform for your next family event!
Quote: $500 – 750