If you have musical talent and you want to get "out there" and perform for the public, the best way to get started is to seek good representation. I have always mentioned to new, up and coming talent who pick up the cell phone to call us or reach us online at blueskyatlanta.com that "there is always room for another good one!"
If you have some talent seek out people with similar interests in music or magic or whatever you are into and see if you can start something. It is well-known that The Jacksons and The Beach Boys started out in basements and garages and you can do the same thing. Some tips if you are just beginning:
- Practice, practice, practice!
- Don't listen to people who tell you to quit. Keep at it!
- Play what you like from the heart- don't try to be something you're not.
If, on the other hand, you are much further along:
- Have 2-3 hours of material ready to go.
- Invite a talent representative out to hear you perform live.
- Having an interested "ear to the ground" for you might prove to be very helpful to you endeavors.
Keep trying if not successful right off the bat with No. 2. ( The Beatles were turned down 9 times before they ran into George Martin!) We look forward to the next new and soon to be great wedding music Band, wedding DJ, singer- guitarist or pianist-vocalist, caricaturist, magician, juggler - you name it - to contact us for representation. Good luck and remember: There's always room for another good one!