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Fund Raiser: Sandy Springs Society

Blue Sky Blog

Here's a wonderful note from the philanthropic organization, Sandy Springs Society. They do marvelous work for the community and have for many years.

"The ladies and their escorts of the Sandy Springs Society anticipated a lovely dinner party in ante-bell um Founders Hall complete with dancing and a silent auction, and it was just that. About midway through the festivities, however, Jim Tiernan and music from his band Blue Sky brought the party to another level. No more sitting around discussing politics and football! The music became so lively that there was no choice but to hop up there and dance our heads off. We had a SUPER good time. Thanks, Jim, your music MADE the party.  Thanks for the quality and especially the spirit of music you served up on Friday November 12, 2010. Thanks are inadequate."

Peggy Stapleton, President Sandy Springs Society

Thanks so much Peggy, Bonnie and all who participated - and we want to especially thank Tami Valderama and Founders Hall in Roswell, Ga! We look forward to working with you all and Talk of the Town Catering again very soon.