Planning a rehearsal dinner for an upcomingwedding in your family? This is an occasion that does not need an elaborateplanning. The main purpose of this event is to spend some good time with thenew extended family. So relax and enjoy the day without much stress. Just follow a few simple tips to make such rehearsal dinner a successful pre-wedding event.
Decide the Guest List:
The most important point for a rehearsaldinner is to decide who are to be invited. As your wedding guest list isalready pretty long, it is not necessary to include everyone for the rehearsaldinner, except the close family members and friends. Though it is customary tobe hosted by groom’s family, nowadays any of the two sides can throw a rehearsal party. It is typically aprivate event which should include all generations present from both the sideslike parents, grandparents, children, family members with their dates or fiancéesand the close friends and children who have decided to be your flower girl orring-bearer. The more you keep it short the more you will free stress-free and enjoy every moment of the special evening.
Understand the purpose of the event:
Traditionally, a rehearsal dinner is the time when two families get a chance to familiarise themselves before the wedding and enjoy delicious food. This is a great time to unite, relax, bondand feel comfortable with each other while cheering up for the couple. Sokeep it simple and informal so that everyone can speak their mind.
Choose a Suitable Day:
Generally rehearsal dinner takes place theevening before the actual wedding day but if you decide not to take much stressjust before the big day, then plan it on a date close to the wedding day. It could even be a brunch or lunch but since it is considered as a practice dayfor the ceremony, it should be held on a close date so that people don’t findit difficult to remember all the instructions.
Select an Ideal Venue:
It is very important to book a suitable venue for the rehearsal dinner well in advance, specially if you are expecting a big crowd. It could be a hotel (if you have large number of outstation guests), restaurant, any private venue, it’s up to you. We always recommend apeaceful informal spot where the guests can have fun, enjoy the evening and also interact with each other.
Split the cost to make it affordable
Since the wedding cost is mostly bore bythe bride side, the rehearsal dinner is sponsored by the groom’s family. Aseverything has evolved over the time, this tradition too has changed. Thebrides and groom often split the expenses of wedding so that it doesn’t burdenany of the sides. Hence, for rehearsal dinner, we would recommend that the people involved should sit together and decide how to split the total cost andmake it affordable for everyone.
Apply these tips and make the evening before your wedding a great fun to start with. Call Blue Sky Atlanta for rehearsal dinner party entertainment.