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Top 10 Unique Tips to Recreate the Magic on Valentine Day 2018!

Blue Sky Blog
Countdown has begun for yet another valentine’s day! And, I find it as the perfect opportunity to express our feelings for the loved ones and so shouldn’t miss a chance to show some romantic gestures on this day.   But if it’s your 10th or 15th valentine’s day, the same old tricks to impress your dear ones may not really work. You will find plenty of other things to show your love that are actually more meaningful than buying expensive gifts and cards. Here are some simple tips that you may find useful to impress your valentine this year:  
  1. Plan for a beach holiday with your loved ones and spend some quality time.
  2. Enjoy the sun set or sun rise together from the beach or a nearby park which you may not have done for a long time.
  3. Spending some quiet and private time is more romantic than going for a party!
  4. Sing favorite tunes of your loved one.
  5. Plan some surprise gifts for him/her or fulfill a secret wish (no matter how big or small it is) If you take her for a romantic dinner, make sure that the place has musicians for hire to offer live entertainment.
  6. Take a long drive together to your favorite destination.
  7. Let him/her take for a movie this time.
  8. Make a special dinner or do some chore that you usually avoid to do. 
  9. Try to recreate the memories of your first date and recall the things you said or did for your partner!
  10. Dedicate a whole day for your dear one and gift him/her a special day filled with her favourite things.
One should try these simple yet meaningful tips not just to cherish this one particular day but rest of the year whenever you get a chance and trust me, any day can be as special as a valentine’s day for both of you!